Academic Session: 2024-25

After the celebration, the Investiture ceremony for the 2024-25 session took place with great enthusiasm. The event was organized to formally appoint new student council members and leaders. They took an oath to uphold the school's values, work diligently, and lead their peers with integrity and dedication. The event not only provided the newly elected leaders with a platform to take on their roles but also inspired the entire student body to aspire to leadership and service in their school life. Proud parents actively participated in the ceremony to encourage their respective children. 

CARS are the sculptures of our everyday lives!!!

The 11th & 12th graders visited RALAS MOTORS and had a good learning experience in the automobile sector. 

The students from all three streams, Science, Commerce and Humanities paved their learning that is best suited to the topics they have come across in their classrooms. 

However, when it comes to understanding cars and their growing market, the learning becomes broader.  From mechanical knowledge of cars and new features and technology in the automobile sector to real-life understanding of marketing, finance, sales, and insurance, all the areas were covered by the students. In addition to this, students also acquired about the psychology of marketing.

The curious minds of the Brahmaviders were answered and appreciated by the team of Ralas Motors.

Altogether it was a great experiential learning!!! 

Independence Day and Investiture Ceremony

Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and dignity.

On August 15, 2024, our school celebrated the 78th Independence Day with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervour. The event was flawlessly conducted by the students and attended by teachers, parents, and esteemed dignitaries. The school grounds were adorned with tricolour decorations, creating a vibrant atmosphere reflecting freedom and unity.

The celebration was organized with a series of cultural performances highlighting India’s rich heritage and diversity. Students from different grades presented patriotic songs, dances, and skits that depicted the struggles and triumphs of India’s freedom movement.

On August 8, 2024, Kindergarten students at Brahmavid the Global School celebrated World Tribal Day, highlighting the crucial role of tribal communities in forest conservation. The children participated in a Fancy Dress Competition, showcasing the vibrant attire of various tribes. Their charming ramp walk in tribal costumes added a special touch to the event, enchanting everyone present in the show. 

"law is the most important functioning organ of the nation for the sake justice and equality", 

The students of grades 9th and 10th got the opportunity to enhance their knowledge in the area of Law at Hidayatullah National Law University. The students got sensitized on important articles like article 21(A), article 24 among others. Additional information of the endless scope of law as in litigation, Inhouse councils, L.P.O.s, think tanks, etc gave clarity to the choice of law. They were informed of the university's brimming goal to achieve an all-around development for the students through Moot courts, M.U.N.s, sporting infrastructure, the annual celebration which was one of the funniest parts i.e. 'Colossus' etc. Their trip across the vicinity gave them hands-on experience to be a part of such a university. Visit to the campus library which triumphed books on civil and public laws, penal codes, taxation policies, general studies, and a wide array of related books was a true store house of knowledge. They left their travels where they had a masterful experience at Hidayatullah National Law University.

Altogether it was a great experiential learning!!! 

ब्रह्मविद द ग्लोबल स्कूल के कक्षा सातवीं एवं आठवीं के छात्र छात्राओं ने गोदना प्रतियोगिता में भाग लिया और अपनी प्रतिभा को कागज़ पे उकेरा और उन कलाकृतियों को नये रंग दिये। गोदना छत्तीसगढ़ की एक विशिष्ठ और ऐतिहासिक  परंपरा है I  पहले छत्तीसगढ़ की महिला, प्रदेश के हर गली चौराहे में (गोदना गोदा ले रे गोदना) इस तरह के गीत गाते हुए अपनी कला का प्रदर्शन किया करती थी I  

धान का कटोरा कहे जाने वाले छत्तीसगढ़ में त्‍यौहार का बड़ा महत्‍व है। जहां खेती-किसानी ही जीवन यापन का जरिया हैI 

Continuing with the new addition to the cultural calendar, Brahmavid the Global School celebrated World Tribal Day in a Major Assembly (Anubhooti) aimed at raising awareness about the diverse tribal cultures and their contribution to society. The event was conducted by the creative students of Grade 8 on the 8th of August 2024, Thursday. It was featured with a variety of performances that highlighted the rich heritage and challenges faced by indigenous communities worldwide. 

The event kicked off with a well-coordinated Sarasvati Vandana, followed by a cultural program that included an exhilarating group dance performance depicting the celebrations of tribal people. There was also a beautiful group song based on Chhattisgarhi tribal communities. The students delved into tribal livelihood and hunting techniques through a couple of mono acts featuring Shri Birsa Munda and the Honorable President of India, Smt. Draupadi Murmu. The event took an exciting turn when the students showcased authentic and elegant costumes from various tribal communities across the world with a fun-filled ramp walk. A Ted-talk presentation highlighted key details about these communities worldwide. The event concluded with a foot-tapping performance that brought together tribal dance forms from Sikkim, Bangladesh, and Africa for the audience to enjoy. 

The major assembly was witnessed by the enthusiastic parents of Grade-8 students and they were thrilled to be a part of the event. It was an enriching experience for all of us that helped us to know more about the tribal communities, and also about the bigger, and deeper interpretation of tribes, where people come together for a common cause, a shared vision. Staying true to the vision and mission of BTGS, students experienced a joyful learning experience. 

"A friend in need is a friend indeed. While we all cherish our friends, we often don't find the time to express how much we care about them. To outshine the journey of their friendship the little ones celebrated Peer Day in kindergarten.

The Nursery students had a blast playing throw and catch, while the LKG students enjoyed a game of coordinating with their peers by holding a balloon. The UKG students had fun with a game called Boom Snatch Clap. In addition to the games, our tiny tots engaged in various activities—Nursery students did palm printing and both LKG and UKG students participated in thumb printing.

It was a joyous day filled with laughter and bonding, as our young learners celebrated the spirit of friendship through these fun and creative activities." 

आगे हरेली तिहार चल गेड़ी खपाबो वो

छुनुर छुनुर पैरी बाजे बाजे ढोल नंगाड़ा

आगे हरेली तेहार भैय्या आगे हरेली तिहार

आदि पारंपरिक गीत, आकर्षक छत्तीसगढ़ी परिधान से ब्रह्मविद द  ग्लोबल स्कूल का परिसर झूम उठा I 

आज स्कूल प्रांगण में हरेली तेहार पर एकल नृत्य और गोदना प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया था I 

कक्षा चौथी से लेकर छठवीं तक के छात्र छात्राओं ने इस छत्तीसगढ़ी नृत्य प्रतियोगिता में बढ़ चढ़ कर हिस्सा लिया। ब्रह्मविद द ग्लोबल स्कूल का प्रांगण हरियाली के साथ साथ मधुर संगीत से भी झूम उठा। 

यही नहीं कक्षा सातवीं एवं आठवीं के छात्र छात्राओं ने गोदना प्रतियोगिता में भाग लिया और अपनी प्रतिभा को कागज़ पे उकेरा और उन कलाकृतियों को नये रंग दिये। गोदना छत्तीसगढ़ की एक विशिष्ठ और ऐतिहासिक  परंपरा है I  पहले छत्तीसगढ़ की महिला, प्रदेश के हर गली चौराहे में (गोदना गोदा ले रे गोदना) इस तरह के गीत गाते हुए अपनी कला का प्रदर्शन किया करती थी I  

धान का कटोरा कहे जाने वाले छत्तीसगढ़ में त्‍यौहार का बड़ा महत्‍व है। जहां खेती-किसानी ही जीवन यापन का जरिया है, और यही त्यौहार हरेली प्रदेश का सबसे पहला त्यौहार (तिहार) है। 

Guru is the one who teaches us what life is & also how to make the most of it.

There is a Shishya in each one of us ...

There is a Guru in all of us ...

A guru or teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instil a love for learning.

To express heartfelt gratitude towards the gurus, the special assembly by Grade 12 was dedicated to our teachers and mentors on the occasion of Guru Purnima.

The students presented a series of heartwarming and synergised performances, through speech, melodious song, and wonderful dance. Students greeted their teachers with teeka and took their blessings.

It was a moment for the students to showcase the profound influence of the gurus in nurturing their talents, guiding them through challenges, and instilling in them the values of discipline, compassion, and knowledge. It was also a moment for the teachers to remember and rejoice in the noble cause of the teaching and learning process. 

"There is nothing like home”. 

This statement emphasises the importance of natural habitats for both humans and animals, such as jungles, ponds, and oceans. Animals are happiest and healthiest in their natural habitats.

On July 31st, the young students of grade 1, seized the perfect moment to demonstrate the importance of values, ethics, and hard work through their performance in a major assembly (ANUBHUTI), featuring animal songs and skits about animals. They also explored the lives and behaviours of animals. With the help of animal-themed props and headgear, they brought these creatures to life, allowing the audience to connect with them. This provided the students with an opportunity to understand and experience the animal kingdom in their own unique ways.

This assembly was well integrated with the Evs concept and a reminder to all of us that we share this planet with a diverse range of creatures and it is our responsibility to protect and preserve them for future generations. 

"There is nothing like home”.

This statement emphasises the importance of natural habitats for both humans and animals, such as jungles, ponds, and oceans. Animals are happiest and healthiest in their natural habitats.

On July 31st, the young students of grade 1, seized the perfect moment to demonstrate the importance of values, ethics, and hard work through their performance in a major assembly (ANUBHUTI), featuring animal songs and skits about animals. They also explored the lives and behaviours of animals. With the help of animal-themed props and headgear, they brought these creatures to life, allowing the audience to connect with them. This provided the students with an opportunity to understand and experience the animal kingdom in their own unique ways.

This assembly was well integrated with the Evs concept and a reminder to all of us that we share this planet with a diverse range of creatures and it is our responsibility to protect and preserve them for future generations.

🌍 Say NO to Plastic! 🚫🥤

What an incredible beginning of a new tradition at our Brahmavid The Global School — the first Major Assembly “Anubhuti” — A feeling, an experience!!!

This morning was dedicated to raising awareness about reducing plastic use. On 16th of July 2024 Day, Tuesday, 🌿.Grade-3 Students took centre stage with powerful performances —a heartfelt song, an enlightening skit, and an energetic dance—all urging everyone to say NO to plastic. 🎶🎭💃

But that's not all! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 this time, the parents joined in too, getting hands-on by crafting eco-friendly paper bags. 🛍️🌱 It was heartwarming to see our school community come together to make a positive impact on our planet. 🌎💚

Let's continue this journey towards a greener, plastic-free future! Together, we can make a difference. 🌟 #SayNoToPlastic #GoGreen #ReduceReuseRecycle 

𝐒𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐒𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡….𝐈𝐭’𝐬 𝐚 𝐏𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐡! 

Nothing can be more refreshing than playing with cold water splashes with friends in this hot & humid weather. Brahmavid The Global School organised a ‘Pool Party’ for the students of Kindergarten to welcome them back to school. Our tiny tots enjoyed this pool party. They all looked fabulous in their colourful swim suits. Excitement was in the air, and the students were filled with zeal and energy. It was a win-win situation with learning of gross motor skills and play too. 

"The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice." - Brian Herbert

Following the successful launch of the Leader In Me (LIM) Programme in 2023, Brahmavid The Global School (BTGS) took another step forward on its leadership journey by entering the second year of the LIM program under the guidance of our Academic Director Ms Shobha Padarha. 

The second phase of this journey began with a workshop facilitated by Dr Kannan Gireesh and Dr Ritu Roy on 5th & 6th of June 2024, who mentored the facilitators for the next step. The workshop was filled with engaging activities and stimulating discussions, keeping the facilitators of BTGS fully involved. The facilitators recapitulated the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and understood once again how they could, as educators, imbibe these habits in themselves and impart these habits to their students. This two-day workshop was a memorable event for BTGS, where the facilitators were encouraged to become role models for their students and uphold the school's mission of making learning a 'lovable,' 'enjoyable,' and 'memorable' journey through an integrated approach.

It was remarkable to observe that over the past year, everyone from the lively toddlers in the Kindergarten section to the inquisitive teens in higher grades had started using proactive language.

The beloved guests, Dr Kannan Gireesh and Dr Ritu Roy were felicitated by the Director Mr Pratyush Padarha, Academic Director Ms Shobha Padarha, and Principal Ms Pillai Manjumol.  This two-day workshop paved the way for the upcoming school session.

"International Yoga Day is celebrated annually on June 21st and is a testament to the global impact of yoga. This day highlights the holistic approach of yoga towards physical and mental well-being, acknowledging the ancient Indian practices that integrate body, mind, and soul.

In line with the tradition, Brahmavid the Global School celebrated the day with its students and teachers. It provided a calming break from the everyday routine, allowing everyone to steady their minds and rejuvenate their bodies through various yoga asanas and meditation. Following the long-standing practice of BTGS, the celebration was integrated with the observance of World Music Day, with a soothing live music performance by the school's music teachers, creating a serene environment, and it was also expressed through the linguistic skills of the students, where they wrote essays based on the topic “Yoga for Peace and Harmony” on 20 June 2024 and 21 June 2024. The observance helped raise awareness about the benefits of yoga and encouraged everyone to adopt a healthier lifestyle. It also served as a reminder of the enduring relevance of yoga and its profound impact on individual and collective well-being." 

Day - 6  Part I - Visit to Bhakt Hanuman Temple and Damro Tea Factory

History!!! Experience!!!


The day started with a delicious breakfast at the hotel, and everyone dressed in white attire. Our first destination was the Shri Bhakta Hanuman Temple, built by the Chinmaya Mission of Sri Lanka in 1981. This temple features a 16-feet-tall idol of Hanumanji amidst tea plantations. It is located in Ramboda on the Kandy-Nuwara Eliya Road, approximately 30 kilometers north of Nuwara Eliya. Situated on a hill slope 3,200 feet above sea level, the temple offers interesting legends and stunning views of the forest and lake near Ramboda Falls.

After visiting the temple, we headed to the Damro Tea Estate. Damro has over 5,000 hectares of lush tea plantations spread across all major tea-growing regions in Sri Lanka, from the low-lying valleys of Sabaragamuwa to the central hills at elevations exceeding 1,500 meters. Within these tea gardens, there are 12 factories producing a variety of Ceylon’s finest teas, including Rotorvane, Orthodox, CTC, and Green tea, catering to both local and international markets.

A tour guide explained the tea production process to the students, from plucking the leaves in the garden to packaging the different varieties. The tour concluded with a tea tasting session, which the students thoroughly enjoyed.

Day - 6  Part II - Visit to Ashok Vatika and Gregory Park

History!!! Experience!!!


After lunch, the students visited the Sita Amman Temple, the only Hindu temple in Sri Lanka dedicated to Princess Sita. This temple is an important site related to the Ramayana and is located in Nuwara Eliya. It is close to Ashoka Vatika, now the Hakgala Botanic Gardens. According to the Ramayana, Sita Devi was kept captive at this site by King Ravana. There is a stream beside the temple that runs from the hill, which is believed to have catered to Sita Devi's needs during her stay at Ashok Vatika.

In the evening, the students enjoyed leisure time at Gregory Park, which was built and named after Sir William Gregory in 1873. This artificial reservoir was created during the British colonial period in the late 19th century. The lake is surrounded by lush greenery and hills, providing a serene and peaceful atmosphere. The students played many games, took numerous pictures, and ended the day beautifully.

Regular stand-ups and briefings kept the students informed about the next day’s plans and travel requirements.

Day 4 - Part I - Visit to Elephant Orphanage, Pinnawala, Srilanka

Experience!!! Nature!!!

The fourth day of the trip began at 9 am with everyone dressed in yellow to say goodbye to Negombo City.

In the first half of the day, students visited the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage in Sri Lanka. This orphanage, located in Pinnawala village, is a captive breeding and conservation institute for wild Asian elephants and has the largest herd of captive elephants in the world.

The orphanage was founded in 1975 by the Sri Lanka Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) to care for and protect orphaned wild elephants found wandering in and near the forests of Sri Lanka.

By lunchtime, everyone was ready for a break, so we refueled with a meal on the way to our next destination, Sigiriya.

Day 4 - Part II Reaching to summit  of Sigiriya Rock

Experience!!!Elements of Nature!!!

After lunch, the plan was to climb Sigiriya Rock. It was a challenging trek for the students, but their excitement and curiosity to see the historical remains of the ancient fort energized them.

Sigiriya, also known as Lion Rock, is an ancient rock fortress near the town of Dambulla in Central Province, Sri Lanka. This historical and archaeological site features a massive granite column about 180 meters (590 feet) high.

Sigiriya has been inhabited since prehistoric times. Evidence shows that many rock shelters and caves nearby were used by Buddhist monks and ascetics as early as the 3rd century BC. The earliest sign of human habitation at Sigiriya is the Aligala rock shelter, east of Sigiriya rock, indicating the area was occupied around 3000 BCE during the Mesolithic Period.

From the top of Sigiriya rock, the students witnessed a magnificent sunset amidst the beauty of the forest. In spite of the blessing of the Sun, the students were enthusiastic to go around and see the fort. By the time they climbed down, it was already 6 pm. It was time to head towards their beautiful forest stay.

Day 5 - Part I - Visit to Wood Carving Factory


On the fifth day of the trip, the students enjoyed a relaxed morning, all dressed in blue attire.

We were to travel to Kandy today and visit the Wood Carving Factory, Oak Ray Lakruka, Matale, on the way. The craftsmen explained the various types of wood used for carving and the different colours used for painting the wood. The students witnessed various tools used for carving and observed many craftsmen at work. Watching the skill and patience of the craftsmen was truly impressive.

The craftsmen also demonstrated how the wood changes colour when treated with substances like lemon and water. The factory was filled with art pieces of various sizes and intricate carvings. Sri Lankan woodwork is world-famous for its fine craftsmanship.

The students were amazed by the variety of items and began inquiring about prices. Many chose to buy souvenirs for their loved ones within their budget.


Day 5 - Part II - Visit to Spice Garden

After visiting the wood carving factory, we headed to the spice garden. This garden featured around 3,500 varieties of plants and trees used for medicine, spices, beauty products, and various other purposes.

An expert guided us through the garden, explaining the uses of different plants. The students got to experience the smell, taste, and texture of various leaves, fruits, and flowers. The garden also had a store selling ready-made products.

The students were served a delicious and energizing cocoa drink. They thoroughly enjoyed experiencing the vegetation and nature up close.

On reaching Kandy the students enjoyed their lunch at a riverside restaurant. ____________________________________________________

Day 5 - Part III - Visit to Gems factory, Buddha Tooth Temple and Cultural Show

After lunch, we visited the Tiesh Gem Factory in Kandy. The students learned about the traditional manual methods of gem excavation and the journey of a gem from the mines to the store. The refining process involves several steps and stages. A store guide explained these details through a video, a model setup, and a tour of the gem factory where artisans used different machines and tools to carve the gemstones, enhancing their beauty and value. This was a unique and educational experience for the students.

In the evening, we visited the Kandyan Cultural Center in Kandy, where the students witnessed various dance forms accompanied by live music performed on traditional instruments. This cultural show beautifully presented the culture, life, festivals, and beliefs of the Sri Lankan people.

Finally, we visited the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple in Kandy, also known as Sri Dalada Maligawa. This famous Buddhist temple is situated in the royal complex in Kandy, an ancient kingdom during the lifetime of Lord Buddha. The temple holds the sacred relic of the natural tooth of Lord Buddha, specifically the left upper canine. Due to its ancient history and the relics of Lord Buddha, the Temple of the Sacred Tooth is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. The students were awed by the temple's significance and beauty.

Surprise!!! Excitement Overload!!!

Summer Excursion - Sri Lanka | Day 2 - Fun, Masti & Relax | 30th Apr 2024

Sri Lanka - The Land of Ravana. The students were thrilled to explore Sri Lanka, a country rich in mythology and history. On our way to the beach resort, we enjoyed a delicious breakfast with authentic Sri Lankan flavours at a rooftop restaurant. The view was stunning, with Colombo city on one side and the sea on the other.

Upon arriving at the beach resort, we assigned rooms based on pre-decided batches, grouping boys and girls by age and grade. This way, they could help each other and learn the value of cooperation.

The first day was all about acclimatising and relaxing. After a short rest, the students were eager to explore the city. We took a bus ride to a restaurant for lunch, where they savoured more authentic Sri Lankan cuisine.

Back at the resort, the students had a blast at the beach, enjoying the waves, playing volleyball, and watching a beautiful sunset. Later, they played antakshari and danced to Bollywood songs, filling the evening with fun and laughter.

Dinner was at the resort, and the students thoroughly enjoyed the meal. After dinner, we quickly checked in to ensure everyone was healthy and ready for the next day's activities. We recognised students who participated actively throughout the day and provided information about the upcoming activities. This nightly standup became a routine.

Even after a busy day, the students had enough energy for a late-night party in their rooms. One of the BTGS team members checked on them late at night, finding them still buzzing with excitement.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

Day 3 - Curiosity!!!History and Nature!!!

The day started at 7 am with swimming time for the girls, followed by the boys. The students had a lot of fun in the pool. They went for breakfast at 9 am.

At 10 am, the city tour began with a visit to St. Mary Church, which is about 200 years old. We met a lady from the family that owns the church, and she told us about its history and architecture. The students also watched an annual cultural festival at the church.

On the way to the city, we saw the dry fish market. Students were surprised to know that the market provides dried fish for the rainy season when fishermen can't go to sea.

Next, the students saw the Dutch Canal, also called "Hamilton Canal." This canal goes through the city, reaching Colombo Port in the south and Tong Putram in the north, and is 120 kilometers long. It was built by Dutch colonists to transport cinnamon to Colombo and is still used today. Now, people can take small boats and enjoy the views along the canal.

Students had a delicious lunch at a famous restaurant and then took some time to relax.

The next plan was to watch the beautiful sunset at Negambo Beach. Students played on the beach and enjoyed the waves.

The day ended with dinner at the resort and a stand-up.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

The joyful retreat at Brahmavid The Global School's Summer Camp continues with extraordinary mentors and their jubilant mentees, as they explore Bandhani, 3D canvas with clay, portrait making with markers; splitting, front roll, locking and popping along with the melodious tunes of guitar and keyboard. The celebration of MAD (Music, Art, and Dance) turns out to be a place where the warmth of summer meets the brilliance of youthful imagination. 

Summer Excursion - Sri Lanka | Day 1 - Educational and Cultural Enrichment Program | 29th Apr 2024


The Fun Begins!!!

The adventure started at 6 pm at Swami Vivekanand International Airport, Raipur. Excited students, carrying all their luggage, gathered with their parents who handed them over to the BTGS team. The students cheerfully waved goodbye to their parents as they headed to the departure gate, where their parents stayed until they disappeared.

Before entering the airport, students were briefed on the process. They learned to check in, scan their baggage, reach the ticket counter to drop off their luggage, collect their boarding passes, and complete the security check.

After passing through security, the students enjoyed a delicious snack and then it was time to board the flight from Gate No. 8. The airport staff and other passengers asked the students about their trip, adding to the excitement.

During the flight, the students enjoyed playing games and enjoying each other's company.

We landed at Mumbai Airport around midnight, but the students were still full of energy. Hungry after the journey, we found a McDonald's outside the airport. The students were thrilled and enjoyed a much-needed meal. Since our next flight to Colombo, Sri Lanka, was early in the morning, we decided to rest a bit.

Having already received our boarding passes for the Mumbai to Colombo flight in Raipur, we headed straight to the security check. For many students, this was their first experience with immigration. They learned how to show their passports and visas, answer questions at the counter, and gain new confidence in navigating the process.

The two-hour flight from Mumbai to Colombo went smoothly, and soon we arrived in Sri Lanka, the Pearl of Indian Ocean.

Stay tuned for more adventures!

Surprise!!! Excitement Overload!!!

Children attending Brahmavid The Global School's Summer Camp are being encouraged to explore various fields under the guidance of experienced mentors. They are discovering themselves through activities such as canvas painting, Mandala art, 2D clay modelling, and learning the different postures and moves of Fish Roll, Wacking and Jack, as well as various chords of Guitar and Keyboard. The celebration of MAD (Music, Art, and Dance) will continue until May 6th, 2024. 

Beginning of Summer Camp 

Kids stepped into a joyful retreat where creativity reigned supreme, and adventure awaited at every turn with Brahmavid The Global School, from 27 April to 29 April 2024, the first three days of the Summer Camp. It was a journey of discovering oneself in the youthful sanctuary of the BTGS campus, where joy and learning converged in a harmonious blend. Kids learnt Lippan art, canvas painting, 3D paper cutting crafts in their Art and Crafts session. 

Formation and structure of the body for bridge stunt and locking movement in the Dance session.

The basics of playing instruments such as Guitar and Keyboard in the Music session. 

“Trust in your training and make it happen”

BTGS believes in sharpening its saw, so as to keep themselves ready for the implementation of each plan.

For the readiness of Session 2024-25, the XSEED Kick off training for teachers was facilitated by the XSEED resource person on 27th of April 2024 at BTGS.

It was a great learning experience for the teachers where they got a chance to observe the mock class, present micro teaching, and get their query resolved one on one.

The team activity made the teachers revive their childhood days. It was an experiential learning for the BTGS facilitators, and they will be energetically taking it over to their classrooms. 

"Unity in diversity" is a metaphor for a country like India which is extraordinarily rich in culture and legacy. At BTGS, we Brahmaviders proudly celebrate festivals by blending the essence of wisdom and spirituality with culture and tradition. The beautiful amalgamation of two major festivals of this month, i.e., Ram Navami and Baisakhi were celebrated through a Ramp Walk Competition conducted for Grades 3 to 5, wherein children of Grade 3 portrayed the ideal and powerful characters of the Ramayana like Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Hanuman, Ravana, Sugriva, etc. 

On the other hand, children from Grades 4 and 5 showed dynamism by depicting the vibrant culture of Punjabis on the special occasion of Baisakhi, Baisakhi is celebrated to commemorate the onset of the solar New Year in parts of North India, particularly in Sikh culture. Children presented the multi-coloured brilliance of the attire reflecting the perky and bubbly nature of Punjab's lifestyle. While the two festivals are different, they share a similar message — unity, benevolence, virtuosity and renewal. 

Overall, BTGS exemplified the integration of festivals at its best through this vibrant and enthralling event. 

A class on the concept of Multiple Intelligences Theory(MI) was taken by the Academic Director, Ms Shobha Padarha for the psychology students of grades 11 &12 at BTGS. The class aimed at delving into Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences and its practical implications in various aspects of life, particularly in education and personal development.

The new faculty members were also a part of the classroom as Mentor/Peer observation.

The session was very interactive and we all got an insight of recognition of diversity in human intelligence,  By acknowledging and valuing the unique strengths and preferences of individuals across different intelligences.

Students showcased their intelligence through different activities.

 Academic Director Madam chose the topic on Colours, where in, the students showcased their talents in the form of poem writing, debate, drawing, dancing, singing, etc.

Learning Outcomes fruitfully met-

-Embracing Diversity

-Personalized Learning

-Holistic Development

-Practical Applications

Sound healing is an ancient practice rooted in the belief that sound vibrations can facilitate healing and relaxation. During a sound healing session, individuals typically lie down in a comfortable environment, close their eyes, and focus on the sounds produced by various musical instruments such as chimes, gongs, and singing bowls.

The therapeutic effects of sound vibrations on both the mind and body have been widely recognized. Research suggests that sound healing can induce a state of deep relaxation by slowing down brain waves, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. Additionally, it may have potential benefits for addressing certain physical and mental health conditions

The residential students of Brahmavid The Global School got an opportunity to be a part of this session and experience the benefits of Sound Healing.

Heritage Walk is a tool to create awareness regarding history, heritage and culture among the local community of the place that eventually helps in creating responsible behaviour towards their heritage. It aims at bringing the past to attention and creates a sense of pride and responsibility among the community towards our heritage and history. To acquaint the community with the tangible and intangible heritage located in the city, state and country.

The residential Students of Brahmavid The Global School visited the Sirpur Heritage Site on 11th April under the guidance of Mr Shivam P Trivedi the founder of Heritagevala. He took them through the history made it interesting and shared amazing information with the students.

The lemonade tasted like pure sunshine in a glass, making our little ones' smiles sparkle brighter than ever!

On National Vitamin C Day, our little ones had a blast making lemonade with their teachers. They learnt about staying hydrated and Vitamin C. What made it extra special was that the students got to make their own refreshing drink. With the helping hands of their teachers, they set off on a lemon adventure - washing, cutting, and squeezing the juicy halves. Mixing in sugar and a sprinkle of salt, their mix magically transformed. This hands-on fun activity not only pleased their taste buds but also helped them get better at using their hands, as they savoured each sip with pure joy. 

The session on unlocking the innate power within ourselves and the belief that nothing is impossible. It was truly inspiring to explore the concept that once we set our minds to a task, we can find a way to accomplish it.

During the session, we delved into various strategies and techniques for learning, remembering, and recalling information. These insights serve as valuable tools in our journey to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.

As we reflect on the session, let us carry forward the belief that with determination, perseverance, and the right mindset, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way. Let us continue to seek out new ways to enhance our skills and abilities, knowing that there is always a way forward.

BTGS organised a special "WELCOME DAY" On April 2nd, 2024, our kindergarten was transformed into a magical Candyland, adorned with an array of candies and jellies props, creating a whimsical ambiance.

As our adorable kindergarten students stepped in the campus, their faces lit up with smiles as they were greeted by the sweet melodies of music. The sight of candies and lollipops brought a sense of wonder and joy to their hearts. Following the enchanting welcome, they eagerly participated in the Palm Printing activity. Nursery students crafted a cute elephant using their tiny palms, while LKG and UKG students expressed their creativity with colorful clowns and Nemo fish, respectively.